Isotype, is a system
of graphics that was developed in Vienna between 1925 and 1935 by the Social
and Economic Museum of Vienna. The letters in the word Isotype stand for
International System Of TYpographic Picture Education, and the idea of this
method is to show social, technological, biological and historical connections
in a pictorial form. The founding director of the museum was a man named Otto
Neurath, and he was the initiator and chief theorist of the Vienna Method;
‘Vienna Method’ being the original term until the key practitioners were forces
to leave Vienna by the Austrian fascism.
This is a great example of and Isotype design. It shows what makes up a town in simplified icon form such as crops to show agriculture, and a veriety of vehicles to resemble motoring and so on.
This Information poster has been designed to show the statistics from the Great War. the Isotype figures each resemble 1 million soldiers and so it is easily worked out to find the amount of soldiers who were killed and those returning from war unhurt and injured.